This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021
20 Nov 2017 to 22 Nov 2017

Within the FooD-STA project the project partner ISEKI-Food Association (IFA) and the International Association for Cereal science and Technology (ICC) is organizing a tailor-made IFA-certified workshop "Hands-on training on baking technology" for a limited number of persons, who are teaching cereal technology.

This is an initiative of the FooD-STA project to involve industry in teaching, especially to train the teachers.
The training will be conducted in English, half a day at the Department of Food Science and Technology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) and then two days at the training lab of the company STAMAG in Vienna/Austria.

Monday, 20 November 2017, 13:00-17:00: BOKU, Muthgasse 18, Room 2/28: theoretical introduction
Tuesday, Wednesday, 21-22 November 2017, 09:00-17:00: STAMAG: practical work

Content: from raw materials to final products, learning from mistakes: different products: rye and wheat dough technology, laminated doughs, sweet yeast raised  products and fine bakery ware
Target group (limited to 15 persons): preferable university teachers (teaching cereal technology), food professionals working in cereal technology, master/PhD students

Fees: include handouts, 3 coffee breaks, 2 light lunch. Travel and accommodation not included.
Regular: EUR 300.- Early Bird until 30 September: EUR 250.-
IFA, Food-STA and ICC members: EUR 270.- Early Bird until 30 September: EUR 220.-
Students (only if enough places available): EUR 100.-

Please note that the workshop will only take place if there are enough participants, so please when you register do not make any travel arrangements yet. We will inform you latest until 15 October 2017 if the workshop will take place.

Participants will receive either a certificate of attendance or a certificate of successful completion with a grade after a final exam.

For registration please use the online registration form