This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021

The EuFooD-STA Network will
(1) enhance innovative education & training for students, targeted towards the needs of the food industry (thus increasing their employability) and
(2) enhance innovative continual professional development (CPD) for company and academic staff by facilitating experience exchange.
Partners from Companies as well as the Educational Sector are invited to join the network, support the activities and directly benefit from the developments.
To keep the balance: Non-industry partners can only be accepted after a minimum of 2 industrial companies, cooperating with the applicant organisation, have joined the network.
New members of the EuFooD-STA Network will NOT receive any EU-funding from the project. Due to the Erasmus+ funding rules, costs of additional partners cannot be covered.
What FooD-STA can offer you:
- Access to our project intranet and thus to most recent deliverables
- Access to database on collected needs for education from the food industry
- Contribute to shaping the developed trainings with us according to your needs
- Attend project meetings (virtual and physical)
- Become part of a network of Companies and Universities
What we expect from you:
- Dissemination of the project and its activities
- Advertise the membership to further partners
- To ensure a balanced network of company and educational partners, new educational members are asked to advertise the membership especially to their company partners (Please already name potential company partners in this application form to which you will advertise the membership)
- Contribution to our survey on needs collection
- Brief yearly report of activities and plans for next year
Fields marked with a red asterisk * MUST be filled in.
All corporate and personal data will be treated confidentially.
Membership becomes effective upon the date of the approval to this formal application form by the EuFood-STA Coordination Team.
As the project is looking for active members, the Management Board reserves the right to revoke a granted membership in case of members showing low or no interest or activity.
All corporate and personal data will be treated confidentially. Fields marked by * MUST be filled in.
As the project is looking for active members, the Management Board reserves the right to revoke a granted membership in case of members showing low or no interest or activity.
All corporate and personal data will be treated confidentially. Fields marked by * MUST be filled in.