This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021
Institution name: 
Alexander Technological Institution of Thessaloniki, Department of Food Technology
Type of institution: 
Food sector: 
Oils and fats
Number of employees: 
Mobility offer title: 
Assistant Professor mobility offer to and from Oils and Fats Industry, Chocolate or relevant industry, Food emulsions industry

I am interested to make an Short Time Scientific Mission to a food industry related to Oils and Fats Industry, Chocolate or relevant industry or Food emulsions. My aim is to understand possible research and/or product development issues related to the subjects described above and possibly provide input to the interested industry. The possibility to continue the collaboration/project after the STSM is also in my interests. I would also be glad to host someone form the Food Industry for an STSM at Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki

Expiration date: 
Tuesday, 28. November 2017
Required knowledge: 

The person performing the STSM should at least have an HEI in a field related to Food Science/Technology, and at least 3 years work or research experience in a field related to the STSM goal.
Please note that one of the above languages and not all is required

Required languages: 
First name: 
Last name: 
+ 30 2310013907
Type of offer: 
Teachers for short term scientific missions