This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021
Educational degree and name of study: 
Operations management in food production (Post graduate Diploma) Sept ‘16 – Apr ’17 Conestoga College Kitchener, Ontario, Canada • Team dynamics, Employee engagement and Performance Management. • Hands-on practical experience in comprehending how sub-assemblies of the most common types of equipment work. • Lean Six Sigma and Total Preventative Maintenance to support continuous improvement processes in food manufacturing operations. • Hands-on practical experience in managing operations, food equipment operations. • Application of a structured approach on how to reduce waste, minimize defects and eliminate non-value-added activities. Food safety and Quality Assurance (Post graduate Diploma) Jan ‘16 – Aug ’16 Conestoga College Kitchener, Ontario, Canada • Collect, prepare, test food and environmental samples using appropriate laboratory techniques. • Practical experience in food safety applications in an industrial processing environment. • Knowledge of the fundamentals of food policy development, Canadian and international food law. • Proper use of and safe handling of chemicals, along with overall safety in sanitation. • Food chemistry and microbiology; their applications in food safety and quality assurance. Master’s in microbiology (WES Accredited) June’12 - Aug’14 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India. • Understanding of fundamental biochemical principles, such as the structure/function of Biomolecules, metabolic pathways, and the regulation of biological/biochemical processes. • Basic laboratory techniques in both microbiology and biochemistry, and application of the scientific method to the processes of experimentation and hypothesis testing. • Effectively communicate scientific reasoning and data analysis in both written and oral forums. • Proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals and follow the proper procedures and regulations for safety when using chemicals. • Design, carry out, record, and analyze the results of microbiological experiments. Bachelor’s in biotechnology (WES Accredited) April 09’- Apr’12 Bharathiar University, India. • Efficient in various laboratory techniques and tools used in Biotechnology. • Understanding of basic concepts used in Molecular biology, Recombinant DNA technology, Plant and Animal Biotechnology. • Development of protocols and review for research papers.
Desired position: 
QA Technician/Supervisor, Food Scientist, Research
Preferred country of employment: 