LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, operating in region Centre‐Val de Loire of France, has recently launched a call for application for the mobility of experienced researchers in the framework of the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) – COFUND (Co‐Funding of regional, national and international programmes).
This call for applications is open to international researchers in all disciplines wishing to join a research laboratory in region Centre-Val de Loire (including universities, public research institutions and enterprises).
LE STUDIUM fellowships cover researchers’ salary, accommodation and all logistical and administrative aspects.
3 different award are offered:
• RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP: one‐year full‐time residency, enables a post-doc researcher to lead a research project in a laboratory of the region
• RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP : enables experienced professors to participate in research, research team building and postgraduate teaching in region Centre-Val de Loire for a period of 3 months for 4 consecutive years (12months in total)
• RESEARCH CONSORTIUM: enables the formation of a team of five researchers and supports their interactions. The team meets a week twice a year over 2 years (4 meetings in total)
I am thus kindly asking you to spread this information to your network and to whoever would be interested in making a unique research experience in the region Centre-Val de Loire, FRANCE.
You can find attached more information about this opportunity.
Applications need to be submitted online here before 8th February 2016.
For more information, please contact Dr Aurelien Montagu: aurelien.montagu@lestudium-ias.fr or phone: +33 238 211 486
* The SMART LOIRE VALLEY Fellowship receives H2020 co-funding from the European Union for research and innovation as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Contract No. 665790.
Dr Aurélien Montagu
Chargé des Relations Scientifiques
LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies
1 Rue Dupanloup - 45000 Orléans - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)2 38 21 14 86
Email: aurelien.montagu@lestudium-ias.fr