This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021

Data processing

For the FoodFactory-4-UsEdition 2020 on Valorizing Biodiversity, we process:

  • the personal data that you provide in the registration form: first and last names, e-mail adresses,name of university, student status and the student ID of the team members.
  • videos of the participants taken during the competition.


Data handling

The ISEKI-Food Association - as organiser of the competition - is the data controller and is responsible for processing the personal data provided in the registration form.


Data use and duration

All personal data is collected and processed for the purpose of managing the competition, grading the participants, awarding the prizes and contacting and providing the participants with relevant information. By entering your personal data, participants consent to the publication of the names of the participating teams and the winning team and its members on and on social media channels belonging to ISEKI Food Association and FooD-STA. Furthermore, the Final Virtual Conference will be recorded and be made publicly available at the ISEKI-Food Association YouTube Channel with all teams.

Personal data provided when registering on the website or by sending an email to will be retained by the ISEKI Food-Association for five (5) years, starting from the day on which the personal data were submitted.

Videos taken during the competition and personal data on social media related to the competition will be retained for as long as the social media channels indicate in their privacy statement.

By providing the personal data requested, participants consent to their processing. Participants can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting the organisers of the FoodFactory-4-Us Sustainable Suppy Chain International Student Competition at

For more information about the ISEKI-Food Association GDPR, please visit

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